The GramFam Got Talent Competition


GramFam Got Talent Competition


The GramFam Got Talent Competition allows alumni and students to showcase their unique talents on the Homecoming stage. Whether it’s singing, dancing, comedy, or a special skill, this is the chance to shine!

Guidelines and Rules:

  1. Eligibility:

    • Open to all GramFam alumni, students, and guests attending Homecoming.

    • Participants must register prior to the event. On-the-spot entries are not allowed.

  2. Performance Time:

    • Each participant has a 5-minute performance limit.

    • Any performance going over time will be cut off by the host to maintain the schedule.

  3. Categories:

    • Singing, Dancing, Comedy, Spoken Word, Instrumental, and Other talents.

    • Specify the category during registration.

  4. Props and Equipment:

    • Participants must bring their own props and costumes.

    • Basic sound equipment (microphones, speakers) will be provided. For any special equipment, it must be requested during registration.

  5. Judging Criteria:

    • Performances will be judged on the following:

      • Originality (20%)

      • Stage Presence (20%)

      • Skill (30%)

      • Audience Engagement (30%)

  6. Prizes:

    • First Place: $1500

    • Second Place: $750

    • Third Place: $250

  7. Disqualification:

    • Inappropriate language, behavior, or acts deemed offensive by the judges will result in immediate disqualification.

  8. Additional Notes:

    • There will be a pre-show meeting for all participants one hour before the event.

    • Participants must check in 30 minutes before the show starts to confirm their participation.

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