50/50 Musical Chairs Competition



The 50/50 Musical Chairs Competition is a fun, fast-paced game where participants compete for a cash prize. Half of the entry fee goes to the winner, and the other half will be donated to a student scholarship.

Guidelines and Rules:

  1. Eligibility:

    • Open to all GramFam alumni, students, and guests.

    • Participants must purchase a ticket to play ($10 per person).

  2. Game Play:

    • Chairs will be arranged in concentric circles. The number of chairs will be one less than the number of players.

    • When the music starts, participants walk around the chairs. When the music stops, participants must find a seat.

    • The player left standing without a chair is eliminated in each round.

  3. Last Round:

    • The game continues until only one chair remains and a winner is determined.

  4. Prize:

    • The winner will receive 50% of the entry fees.

    • The remaining 50% will be donated to a GramFam student scholarship, awarded at the Gospel Brunch.

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